So, last night it was Kolby's turn to say the family prayer. ALL day long he made sure we were aware that is was HIS turn to say it. So when it finally came time to say it, (with NO help from anyone) he begins. His sweet little prayers usually consist of things like, "Thankful for Grandma, and Robbie, and Jacob and, yummy food and games". Well after a few of these, I sat down by him and tried to give him some ideas of other things to be thankful for. You know, like, our home, our family, etc. Well! He was not having any help from ANYONE with his prayer. So he decided to close with, " In the name of Transformers, AMEN!" The only thing we can think of as to why he said that, was that Jake has Transformer sheets on his bed and Kolby must have looked at them right at that moment. We love our little Kolby and his sweet prayers and know that our Heavenly Father will appreciate a Transformer plug now and then . . .
2 months ago
Kids say the darnest thing! :)
Transformers Rock! That is so sweet! I love hearing the things kids say! It always makes my day. :)
So cute!
I've got another idea as to why he said that...."look at who his dad is...":)
I love listening to kids say prayers, its always something random.
So sweet!
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