The time is rapidly approaching. . . my 30th birthday is around the corner. I can remember a few years ago when I was in Arizona and it happened to be my sis-in-law Patti's 30th birthday. She was a little sad and down about the whole day and was totally bummed that she had reached that dreaded number. I was only about 25 at the time and I was totally confused that a 30th birthday could make someone so miserable, and I swore that I would NEVER feel that way when I turned 30. Who cares right? Its just a number! WELL!! I find myself thinking about this terrible number quite often and feel all these horrible feelings creeping up on me. I can't believe that my 20's are almost over. The most important decade of my life! I met my Josh, got married, had my 2 amazing boys, bought my house, etc. So much happened!! How can I say goodbye to the best years of my life? Well, I guess the only solace is going to be the thought of another decade with my sweet family and the promise that 30 is the new 20. . . RIGHT?????
2 months ago